The hockey team won big the first time she wore it this season. 本赛季她第一次穿上那件衣服时,该曲棍球队大比分获胜。
The National Hockey League season was supposed to start in October, 11th. 国家冰上曲棍球联盟的赛季原计划于10月11日开始。
It's nothing. it's a hockey season. 算不了什麽,一个冰球赛季而已。
The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the season and remained so during the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers. 足球和曲棍球球员变得更加敌对和侵略性在本赛季仍然如此在淡季,而没有增加侵略性的游泳选手。
Or here in this neck of the woods in hockey and basketball championships, and the baseball season is in full swing. 或者在美国这片地方,曲棍球和篮球的锦标赛,以及将开始的棒球赛季。